Friday, February 12, 2016

Valentine's Parties Galore!

Dang, I don't think I've blogged much recently but we are still humming along at a fast clip, trying to gulp a breath of air when we can, before we dunk our heads down again and plow forward. 'Tis our life!

In between running to kid-related functions, I've still been overseeing several projects at the house - lingering work that still needed to get done to call our remodel complete. (Is a remodel ever really complete though?!?) :) I'm happy to report we passed our final inspection the other day - which is fantastic news, because it's just in time for me to kick off another remodel project (phase 2?) soon! Mwahahhahahaa

Anyway, today was a day of Valentine celebration at school. The lead parent in Callum's class had a last minute emergency this morning - we live in the same neighborhood so I swung by her house a little early to pick up supplies and took over lead parent duties for the day. Happy to report the party was a big success and the kids had a blast. Here's a quick snapshot of Callum checking out the last of his Valentines before I took off. :)

I quickly ran home to check on progress of another home project (we had a new garage door installed - yippee!) before heading back to school again. This time, to volunteer in Logan's classroom party. We had 5 different activity stations going which was pretty insane, plus a huge spread of snacks and sweets for the kids to load up on before we left. :) Logan snuck off to recess before I could hug him goodbye, so I wasn't able to snap a pic of him but I could tell he was having a great time.

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