Saturday, September 30, 2017

Meeting Baby Aidan

We visited Zane and Norma today so that Jon and the boys could meet little Aidan! 

Everyone was completely smitten by the little guy - the first newborn that the boys have held/touched/seen in person! (Obviously Logan has seen Callum as a baby but he was so young when Callum was first born that he doesn’t remember it)

While holding Aidan, Callum asked me, “Can we keep him?” :)

I took a load of pics from our lovely visit, but here are some of the best!

Friday, September 29, 2017

Cute pics

A collection of cute pics I've received, or taken, over the last couple of days. :)

Thursday, September 28, 2017

This is Halloween!

When you start pulling out the Halloween decorations and your bird dog realizes the blackbirds aren't real.... 🤦🏼‍♀️

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

7 year old Math

I'm almost positive I wasn't doing problems like this in the 2nd grade!!

Color me impressed. 😲

Monday, September 25, 2017

Falafel’s Drive-In

A required stop when near the old 'hood. 😋❤️❤️

Unfortunately, the boys weren't allowed onto the new family/baby floor to meet their baby cousin (they're too young), but we still made the most of our trip down to the South Bay, by visiting one of our favorites spots for dinner. 👍🏼

I’m an Aunt!!

Meet Aidan, my brother's newborn son! ❤️❤️

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Callumism of the night

"Mommy, I don't just love you because you kill spiders. I love you because you're nice, you're beautiful and also because you're with me when I'm afraid."

The kid is back to pulling my heartstrings again. 😍😍🤣🤣

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Callumism of the day

Callum: [with a flick of his wrist] Uhhh, Mommy? You're in my personal bubble, so could you shoo please?

I guess the "I never want to let go" comment was short lived?! 🤣🤣

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Skrimsli of Iceland

We got home last night and this little guy buried his face into my stomach, hugged me tight, and said "I never want to let go Mama".

Me too, bud. Meeeee too. ❤️❤️❤️


He's holding his new little stuffy toy we got him (and Logan) from Iceland. We also got them a book which tells the story of these little monsters, but the short version (from the tag on this little guy) is this:

In the old days, when the people of Iceland still lived in turf houses with only oil lamps to light their homes, they often saw all kinds of strange creatures taking shape from the shadows of the flickering light. It is here where the life of the Skrimslis began. Iceland's nature, which is full of dynamic energy, gave them special powers. They loved their life and the people they lived with for generations, but as Iceland evolved, all homes were furnished with electricity which was too bright for the Skrimslis. To survive, they needed to flee the overbearing and luminous electric lighting. With sheer perseverance, they all moved to the lava fields, living in caves in a land they now call Lavaland, which is surrounded by the beautiful nature of Iceland. Instead of having to rummage through the garbage for food, they can now eat blueberries, pines, and other gourmet delicacies nature provides. The trolls in Iceland protect the Skrimslis from the dangers looming around them, and the elves are their special friends who know all of their secrets. If you ever meet a Skrimsli out in the lava fields, be sure to greet it. By greeting a Skrimsli, it will bestow on you a special sign of good luck and prosperity that will follow you in years to come.

Heading home

We stretched our legs a bit yesterday with a walk around a nearby lake and lunch with delicious milkshakes, before catching our shuttle back to the airport. The last pic is us taking off, chasing the sun to California! ;-)

We really had a fabulous time! Jon and I have already started chatting about when and how we could visit again, with the boys, to explore the rest of the country together.

Au revoir Iceland! 👋🏼🇮🇸 Until next time! ✌🏼

Friday, September 15, 2017

Last night in Reykjavik

Finished our last night in Reykjavik with a delicious dinner at Vox Restaurant, then walked the town one last time. It was a really nice evening out and couldn't have enjoyed a nicer night together!

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Game of Thrones Tour

What a day!!! 

We went on an all day Game of Thrones tour - meeting actors (horses 🤣🤣) and learning about/seeing several areas of the Icelandic countryside that contributed to the show.

Stunning. Gorgeous. Breathtaking. All of it! ❤️
