Sunday, November 26, 2017

The Boys' First Concert!

After our hectic day at the hospital last Monday and Tuesday, what did we do? Why a concert of course!

There is an organization similar to Make-A-Wish, called Do It For The Love. They grant kids with life threatening illnesses, their choice of any music concert. I reached out to them earlier in the year to see what we could do and they were happy to support us! Callum asked to see either The Black Keys or Fall Out Boy. The Black Keys, unfortunately, aren’t touring right now - but FOB is and were scheduled to be in the Bay Area in November. Yay!!

So, we waited and waited and finally got word a couple of weeks ago that they managed to get us tickets for the show on Tuesday Nov 14th.  Because the concert was in Oakland and late at night, we decided to get a hotel room for the night and just have a lazy day sleeping in and hanging out the following day (skipping school). I let both boys’ teachers know the week before what we had planned in case there was any school work we needed to make up (there wasn’t - yay!). Everything was set and the boys were excited.

Then, Jon got sick on Monday and admitted to the hospital. :(  We talked about what we should do - he thought I should still take the boys to the concert since they had been looking forward to it, but definitely didn’t want to go himself. The boys and I were pretty bummed - we were not only excited to see Fall Out Boy, but we had all been looking forward to it as a family outing/event. So, going without Jon seemed a little weird. And, because he had JUST been discharged that day, I wasn’t sure I wanted to spend the night in Oakland anymore - if he had another flare up in the middle of the night, I wouldn’t be home to help. :/

So, I took the boys to the concert, but we decided we’d come back home - late - after it was over. The boys were a little disappointed about not getting to stay in the hotel overnight (that’s always fun to them), but by the time the concert was winding down, they didn’t care and really just wanted to go home themselves, so it worked out. :)

We arrived a little after 7pm (when the concert began). The boys were nervous they were missing some of the action but I explained it would be fine since there is usually 1-2 other bands that will open before FOB actually comes on stage. So we took our time, grabbed some drinks and made a quick bathroom break and hung out in the lounge while the first band (Jaden Smith) played.

Between sets, we headed into the arena to find our seats. We had great seats!! Close enough to see everything but not right up next to the stage where people had to crane their necks to see anything. The boys don’t realize how lucky we were. :)

When the second act started (Blackbear) the boys both turned to me with faces of WTF?? It was (another) hip hop band and neither of them were at all impressed. Ha!! They both screamed out to me “Is this Fall Out Boy?!?” And I had to scream back, nope, they will be on AFTER these guys. *groan*

It was funny watching their reactions. Logan wasn’t moved and just sat watching the stage, the tv screens, and people around us. The girls behind and in front of us were all screaming wildly and excitedly (as you do), which surprised the kids. When the girls in front jumped to their feet to start dancing, Callum got quite annoyed and yelled “Sit down!!” several times. :) I had to explain to him that people will stand up and dance at these concerts and it was ok to do.

Once Blackbear was FINALLY done, we headed out with the masses to grab a bite to eat and wait for the main event. It was 9pm when Fall Out Boy finally appeared on stage (a magnificent opening act complete with an entrance from under the middle of the stage and pyrotechnics blasting everywhere). And the boys were both on their feet with huge smiles on their faces. :) They recognized the songs immediately and - Callum especially - could not keep still.

Logan finally did tire of it all and didn’t seem as impressed in the end. I’m not sure if it was all too overwhelming, he was too tired, or it was simply not his cup of tea. But he sat down about 20-30 minutes into the show and didn’t seem to enjoy it as much, unfortunately.

Callum, on the other hand, was the entertainment of the night!  Everyone around us was watching him just as much as the stage. :) He was going wild, dancing and jumping and enjoying every millisecond of the booming sounds from the stage. He was totally in his element and, I suspect, will want to attend more concerts in the future. :)

By about 10pm though, he crumpled in his seat too. It was late and he was worn out - and was dozing off to sleep!! (Still midway through an extremely loud rock concert let me tell you) so I knew it was time to call it a night. I leaned over asking both boys each, if they wanted to stay or go home - and each of them asked to go home. We packed up and headed out. FOB continued for another half hour I think - so we missed the end but I’m glad we caught a good hour of their set. :)

The boys were a bit hyped on the walk out to the car and the first half of our (long) drive home, but finally both did pass out. We got home around 11pm - Jon was already asleep himself (but I had been texting him all night, giving him updates at the concert). I carried both boys in and tucked them into bed, and then hit the hay soon after myself!

The next day, both slept in and we had a pretty lazy morning staying in as a family. Since Jon was home too, it ended up being a great day for us all, and the boys got a lot of time hanging with their dad, watching movies and playing video games all day long, lucky dogs. :)

A collection of pics from the concert, below:

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