Monday, June 15, 2015

Last day of school

I forgot to post Logan's last day of school, damn it!  Too many things hit us last week and frankly, I'm surprised I made it to his festivities at all.  ;-)

Anyway, the school had a fun celebration of (another set of) end of the year awards for kids - mostly for things like 100% attendance (which my kids will NEVER get, mark my words).  What's fun is that Logan won an award (just like last year), for being the top dog fundraiser from the Walk-a-thon.  He raised just over $3000 (amazing right?!? thanks to all of our wonderful supporters, family and friends!) and got VERY close to the same amount he raised last year (which is a huge deal since a big chunk of last year's funds were thanks to my company's matching policy, which we didn't have this year).

In addition to getting a cool plaque with his name on it (which he LOVED), he got a brand new mini iPad too! (which came in handy since he just dropped and cracked his old one *sigh*)

He was VERY proud and we, of course, are very proud of him.

I was surprised to find myself (and Logan), much less nostalgic and sentimental about the last day at this school (ever - we are moving schools!) than I thought I'd be.  But, I did at least have the wherewithal to think about snapping one last quick pic of Logan, with his teacher, before we left.  Ms. Mills has been very good to us this past year, helped Logan grow tremendously, and is someone we will miss very much.

Adios First Grade!  Onto Segundo we go!  :)

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