Thursday, October 23, 2008

And we have a winner.....

Tonight, Logan's school held a Fall Harvest Festival where all the kids dressed up in their Halloween costumes, danced to music, ate a lot of various foods, and jumped to their heart's content in a big bouncy house.

We dressed Logan up in his stinky skunk costume and of course, our cutie was a HUGE hit. :) So much a favorite that, he was awarded the "Cutest Infant Costume" award of the night. A basket of goodies (with family recipe book, several CDs, a stuffed animal, baby cream, bottle, etc.) was handed to Jon and I as we were leaving. They were SO excited to grant Logan the prize.

We had grand plans of dressing Logan back up in his costume when we got home, and taking a pic of him with his prize basket. But alas, you know how those grand plans always turn out. No costume, no pictures, hardly much of a dinner.

I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised. We had a pretty tough morning - early morning - today. Which is why I'm going to keep this short and get to bed SOON!

Logan woke up earlier than usual, about 6am this morning. He was crying, squirming, didn't really want to eat or even be held. We tried everything to calm him down - rocked him, patted him, offered a bottle, laid him down with us in bed. He couldn't be consoled. He was just worked up and VERY upset. And, the worst part about it, you could see he was still very tired - his eyes were still closed as he was pushing against both of us while we tried holding him, crying and resisting our help. It was extremely frustrating, and BOY was it exhausting.

He finally relaxed enough to fall back to sleep next to me in bed, about 7:30am. And then about 15 minutes later, I looked over at him (he was still very restless) and suddenly projectile vomit was spewing out of his mouth, literally like a fountain, up and back down all over me, the pillows and our bed.


I stripped both myself and Logan and jumped into the shower to wash us down while Jon stripped our bed and pillows to throw in the laundry.

It wasn't the best way to start out our day, but winning "Cutest Costume" tonight helped brighten all of our spirits. :)

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Congratulations Logan!!