Even with the twin beds pushed together, they had slowly spread apart throughout the night, so when Logan woke up at 4am (and stayed awake until 5:30!), it was really hard for me to get him back to sleep and lay in bed myself without one of us falling off the bed. :)
We headed into town late morning to find brunch and walk around the "Queenstown Mall" (basically the downtown area with a bunch of tourist shops, cafes, restaurants and boutiquey stores). The area was very cute, even though it was cold and rainy out. It reminded me of a ski town (well, it sorta is) like Mammoth, Tahoe or Whistler. We basically spent the ENTIRE day walking all over, buying all of our last gifts for the trip.
After a few hours of shopping and walking, we stopped at a bar with several fireplaces, leather couches and a lounge area which we took over, propping up our feet to rest, drink beer, try their nachos and cheese board (finally!) and let Logan crawl around. :)
Eric has been hankering for a steakhouse forever, so afterward we went to a place called Botswana Butchery for dinner. Logan was asleep for the afternoon, but literally 5 minutes before reaching the restaurant he woke up screaming.... turned out he had peed through, and onto, his pants and stroller. Since it was FREEZING out, I think the cold wet chills woke him up. :( So Jon and I stripped him naked on a park bench in the freezing cold to change him (it was faster than walking blocks with a wet baby to the nearest public restroom/changing station). But, as expected our poor little guy did NOT like that. Some drunk kids nearby yelled at us "I think your baby is cold!!" as Logan screamed and kicked at the two of us huddled over him.
We crashed soon after we got home - Jill was nice enough to have us switch rooms so we got the big bed this night. Which I was so glad to have, since Logan woke up sometime in the middle of the night and stayed with us in bed until morning....
1 comment:
I enjoy reading all the great details about your trip!
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