Sunday, December 4, 2011

Speakeasy Holiday Party

My company had its holiday party last night up in the city, so Jon and I got sitters (thanks Mom and Dad!) and made a night of it. I really love staying up in the city and just relaxing and enjoying ourselves! (while Jon is up here all the time, I never really get to spend any time in San Francisco). 

I had actually bought a new cocktail dress specifically for the holiday parties this year. But then the theme of my work's party was announced (roaring 20s-30s), so I decided to switch things up at the last minute and dress as a flapper. I'm glad I did (lots of people came in costume!) and the night was tons of fun. Sadly, Jon and I didn't make it to the picture booth in time to get a shot of the two of us together. :/ Oh well.

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