Monday, February 25, 2008


Logan has had pretty sensitive skin since day 1 -- which hasn't surprised me a great deal since I myself have really sensitive skin (as does my whole family). Still, as days and weeks slipped by, his skin was becoming more red and rough. Where was the baby-butt soft skin you always hear about? :) At our 2 month check up, Dr. Safir noticed the same thing and told me to lather Logan up with lotion anytime I could get, to help moisturize his skin.

So, that's what I've been doing only it seems to have gotten worse. Over the last couple of weeks his back has developed some pretty big red inflamed splotches that don't look good at all. His shoulders/elbows and thighs/knees have all gotten severely dry and rough as well. I was hoping it'd go away on its own (I was dreading the idea of slathering him up with some thick oily goo from a dermatologist like my parents dealt with, when Zane was a baby) but it hasn't and I finally decided to take him to the doctors today.

Good thing I did. Dr. Safir was pretty alarmed at the severity of his rash, particularly on his back but really all over as well. It's obvious Logan's skin is ultra sensitive, dry and not doing well. :( Dr. Safir thinks it's a bad case of Eczema. We're going to give him a light steroid cream once a day and check back in a week, hoping it clears up on its own. But if not, we'll need to see a dermatologist soon.

So, off with the brace and onto eczema and steroid cream! What parenting curve ball will we get next? ;-)

1 comment:

Cat Shipman said...

OH NO!!!! Does he seem to notice? I hope he gets better soon!!!!