Thursday, August 28, 2014

We are a GO for Maintenance!

In order to start Maintenance next week (which will be a lumbar puncture and IV of two different chemo drugs PLUS the start of steroids again), Callum needed to make certain counts with his blood draw today. I'm happy to report his numbers looked great today and we are all set to start Maintenance next Wednesday!

Monday would have been his start date originally but 1) it's a holiday and 2) we'll be out of town wrapping up our Family Camp weekend!! (We leave tomorrow after school and I'm so excited). Carly thought it would be pretty busy at the clinic on Tuesday, so Wednesday it is! :)

Our other big news is that Jon's company just announced this week, that they are being purchased by Amazon! It's very exciting news and just the beginning of amazing stuff ahead for Jon and his team!! We are so incredibly proud of him and all that he has accomplished. :)

Other than that, nothing much else to report this week. We're finding a routine, slowly, day by day - most days when we pick up Logan from school they like to play out on the playground with a bunch of other friends. I'm not quite sure what they were making here but I had to tear them away after a long time - they were having too much fun but Mama was beat! ;-)

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