Saturday, December 17, 2016

Blue Whale Report

Logan's first "Animal Report" is due next week. He needs a minimum of three resources, and at least one has to be a book. He lamented that the book he found at his school library didn't have much information on Blue Whales specifically (the animal he decided he wanted to report on), and it dawned on me that we haven't yet, but should've, checked out our local public library!

The other night I mentioned this to Logan (and Callum) and they were amazed - you mean our school library? No, I mean our town's library. We have a town library?!? Yep. :)

So we headed over to our local branch - which is super small but very nice!! While I chatted with the librarian to sign us up for a library card, the boys immediately found the pod of computers and other boys sitting playing games on them. Even in the library, I can't seem to get us away from screens! ;-)

It turns out, several of the books that Logan and I found, were not located in the branch, so we had to send out a request for them. One just arrived yesterday, so we had a chance to return and check it out.

You guys. The check out process is ridiculous!!

First you scan the barcode on your library card (see the 2nd and 3rd pics!). There's a little scanner on the left hand side of the screen to do this. There's a spot on the table in front of the computer where you stack up the books you're checking out (see the "place items here" sticker on the table). Apparently there's some sort of chip embedded in each of the books because once you've logged in - voila! A list of all books you've piled up suddenly appears on the screen!! You review it, select done, and email (or print if you're old school) yourself a copy of your receipt.


Seriously, I was totally blown away!! :)

Logan started reading bits of his new book on the ride home and started getting interested in the new facts he was learning - so we got home and he started taking some notes down, to prep for his report. Hopefully he'll have plenty to present on this next week!

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