Our friends Eric and Jill visited us this past weekend on their way through the Bay Area, back home to San Diego. It was great seeing them after so long -- and of course, Logan enjoyed meeting his Uncle and Auntie. We all got together for a fun dinner Saturday night (with the Izbickis too) and stuffed ourselves silly Sunday morning at Stacks for brunch. Their visit was way too short and we didn't have much time to work our magic trying to convince them to move back to the Bay Area (we try every time they are here). We're looking forward to seeing them again in a couple of months!
A co-worker asked me today what recent developments Logan has taken up and to be honest, I didn't know what to report on! I feel like he hasn't changed in any major way - but rather is refining the skills he's already developed. I'm sure others who don't see him as often would protest but because I see him day to day I forget to notice the little changes. Whoops! :) He's definitely getting bigger and heavier (my back can attest to that). Lately he loves HITTING every thing, particularly with his right hand, which makes me wonder if he'll be a rightie? ;-) He's also more and more vocal -- loves to just chat and talk to himself for quite awhile now. He's sitting up for longer periods of time and can play on his own (pulling anything toward him to investigate and inspect) - however he still gets bored when he's alone and usually wants some attention or TLC after a little bit. He continues to do wonderfully at preschool which is a huge relief. And, he's starting to catch himself by putting his hand down, whenever he starts to topple over from a sitting position.

For the most part, I'm really excited to see any little change in our kiddo, but lately he's turned to BITING pretty much anything. Toys, blankets, fingers and yessssss..... my boobs. Suffice to say, I'm not a fan. It HURTS, even with no teeth, and I DON'T LIKE IT. And when he does it, he clamps down hard and then has this goofy big ass grin on his face as he looks up at me with a "Aren't I the cutest little thing Mommy?" while I'm grimacing and trying to BREAK the death grip that is his gums, hoping to stop him before my nipple falls off.
Sorry kid. The smile don't fool me.
Though I'm disheartened by my decreasing milk supply (which is almost non existent these days *sniff sniff*), I'm relieved I'm not nursing him full time anymore. I'm still hoping to make it to 6 months, at the very least, but after that, if Logan continues his biting rampage, I may have to stop. We shall see.

Tomorrow I leave for a business trip to St. Louis. :( Though I'll only be gone 2 days and 1 night, it's still a big event for us - and me. It's the first time I'll be away from Logan overnight -- yikes!! The good news is, Jon will be home with him after all (originally Jon was also going to be out of town too, which made me a little nervous since Logan's still so little). The bad news is, Jon's home sick, and will have a pretty tough time taking care of himself AND Logan. I foresee frustrated late night phone calls in my near future. ;-)
1 comment:
I LOVE the picture of Logan sitting on the couch smiling! He is too cute!! The photo of him in his crib is priceless!
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